Industrial Noise, Vibration Isolation, Seismic Restraint…

If any of these are a part of your daily lives, then we should be too.


Sound is a critical component of every building, yet so often it can be neglected in the design process, or even removed from the project due to budget concerns. Most of the time, the noise within a building won’t be realized until the project is completed. We have a growing line of mechanical and industrial products to help serve these needs. Let us know how we can help!





Vulcan Industrial Solutions


Partnering with Gaus-Scott, we are able to bring the Vulcan Industrial products to our Harmony brand line of solutions!

Utilizing their 60 years of experience in the field of Industrial Noise Control, we have brought on a series of products to help solve these needs in our industry, and in your project. Currently under the Harmony Label, we have a variety of Acoustic Board, Noise Barriers and Curtain Systems, as well as Pipe and Duct Wraps. Of course, if you have a need that is not yet in our line of products, we’re sure that reaching out to Tom over at Gaus-Scott won’t be an issue. He’ll help us take great care of your project!

Keep an eye out, we will be expanding these lines as we continue to improve for you!



 Looking for More Options?


Check out our Partners! We curate relationships with the most innovative product manufacturers in the industry in order to bring you the right solution for your project.


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