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Over 30,000 companies worldwide trust Cambridge sound masking systems from Biamp to reduce office noise distractions, protect speech privacy, and improve office acoustics


Sound Masking is the ultimate solution for protecting sensitive conversations, increasing productivity, and creating a focused acoustic environment that promotes undisturbed learning, healing, working and relaxing and that’s why Cambridge Sound Masking is the ultimate choice. While sound masking doesn't stop sound from transferring from one room to another, it significantly limits the intelligibility and overall distractive nature of that sound. Sound Masking is an active sound control system that uses low-voltage emitters to produce an unobtrusive sound that can be described as similar to an HVAC system kicking on. That low frequency ambient sound is normally completely unnoticeable, but its effects are anything but.


Cambridge is committed to reducing their carbon footprint by trying to eliminate waste through efficient manufacturing practices, as well as embracing their role as a custodian of the environment. While keeping the environment in mind, when designing products Cambridge makes sure their products are being able to be used for years. Cambridge products are focused on using material that are needed to build a high-quality product rather than adding unnecessary pieces or parts.

Having a wide variety of applications like the Cambridge Sound Management, Matrix Systems, and Amplifiers, Biamp has created professional and audiovisual solutions that enable great communication. Cambridge is a company that partners with organizations that connect people through outstanding audiovisual experiences and Cambridge encourages their employees to volunteer within their communities.

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